Fact Checking Policy
We highly value our readers and believe journalism may be a key pillar of checks and balances in any functioning society. As such, we are committed to being accurate, clear, and precise with the content published on our platform, including any content that appears in our articles, our social media posts, our URLs, and our headlines. Our team members understand that their stories – including each word they write and statement they report on – can have significant impact and intrinsically they need to act responsibly with the facility and influence they need .
Bangla Magazine’ team is required to verify all information they gather for a piece of writing by browsing multiple steps. These steps include cross-checking any identifiable information (names, identities, locations), eye-witness statements, and the other statements or accounts made in reference to a story. Each team member conducts their own fact-checking in reference to the above, guided by internal policies and therefore the Ethics Policy.
When it’s been deemed necessary in certain circumstances, Bangla Magazine also will use fact-checkers.